Hosting three world and six Turkey premieres, the Istanbul Music Festival will host star names in Istanbul including Gidon Kremer, Yuri Bashmet, Patricia Petibon, Hilary Hahn, Renée Fleming, Christoph Eschenbach, and one of the most significant orchestras of classical music, Schleswig-Holstein Festival Orchestra, as well as over 600 local and foreign artists. Besides pre-concert talks and colloquiums, for the first time this year master classes open to the audiences will be organized.
The festival this year will also attract attention with its different concert venues. As an addition to the classic venues of the festival such as the Hagia Eirene Museum, Archaeological Museum, Enameled Kiosk, Süreyya Opera House and Lutfi Kirdar Convention and Exhibition Center, different venues like Galata Mevlevihanesi, Istanbul University Rectorate Building, Istanbul Modern and santralistanbul-Energy Museum also participate in the festival this year.
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